Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some thoughts

So here I am again writing I haven't done this since I was a teen I didn't think I could write without being depressed.  Ryan and I were having a "discussion" today about our differing political views which I told him I would rather not discuss because I hate to think of him as an ignoramus (just him not anyone else who shares his views please take no offense).  I guess I just can't understand why someone can't see the wrong they have in their opinions its so frustrating I really only want peace and happiness and equality for all.  I don't think we need our government focusing its energy on things like Gay Marriage (even though I am in full support) when we have troops over seas fighting a war that we never should have gotten into in a country where killings oneself to take out a few "white devils" is a worthy cause.  When our country is in this "depression" when our banks are squandering away billions of dollars revamping their offices and giving bonuses for lets face it not doing their jobs!  We also need to think about the fact that two psychopaths (the dictators of North Korea and Iran) have an increasing interest in WMD's.  So yes I think its wrong that they gays can't get married but should it be a top priority for our President no.  Neither should investigating why the Church of Latter Day Saints baptized his dead Catholic mother.  Nor do I care what kind of dog they bought or how the kids get to school.  I want to know what he is doing with the important issues.

Ryan is watching Star Wars right now as a side note I think Princess Leia is a pedophile and pervert.


  1. I too have differing opinions from you on most things and I would like to share a few thoughts. You said you can't see "why someone can't see the wrong in their opinion." The thing of it is: It is their opinion. There is not right or wrong when it comes to opinions by their very nature. Secondly on the Middle East conflict. The Muslims have been who have been killing themselves to kills a few Israelis for decades. This is not something new nor is it because they are terrified of the "white devils." Government is not the solution to fixing our problems. The thing they want to do is take more money from those who make it. This accomplishes nothing. Obama's "distribution of wealth" really amounts to mini socialism.

    Let the friendly ebate begin I am sure :)

  2. Thats why its my opinion I am sure I have "wrong" opinions about alot of things as well. I absolutly think everyone has a right to their opinion right or wrong and I would never tell them they couldn't have an opinion and I love that we live in a society that allows for the friendly differences in opinions. I also don't pretend to know all that goes on over there. All I know and I am probably WRONG in this is that my views are based on emotion. And Ryan's dad is over in Afgahanistan and everytime we hear something going on over there we have to hold our breaths. I think we the people give power to the government and they should act for the majority of what we think even though thats not what is happening. I understand that suicide bombings is nothing new and that they have done it to other groups/religions/races long before us but what I have to see on the news now is how American troops are being killed because they are being placed over there doing their job. I understand that most people I associate with have completly different views than me which is part of why I love my group of friends because we can see past these difference in opinions and still trust and enjoy each other

  3. I can completly understand what you are saying about opinions being emotionally based. All my statement was trying to say is that no one person's opinion is wrong. It may be wrong to you or it may seem wrong to me but there is no way an opinion can be wrong as it is specific to that person. What is wrong is telling other's that their opinions are worng. On this I think we agree.
    The only thing I can say is that you (the collective you not specifically you) should always have a better argument that I do believe that people will be more apt to take you seriously if you have a solid reason behind the views that you have. I think for me that is my biggest frustration, when trying to have a discussion and all I can get in return from the person it "I don't like it..Idon't know why I just don't" That doesn't allow for any real talk.
    I guess my only advice is consider what you are talking about and the real reasons you feel the way you do. Then state those reasons along with you feelings. Feelings alone can't really be taken seriously that's all. Sad? Maybe. But we are not solely a feelings based society and Baruch Hashem (Praise G-d) for that.
