Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Terrible two's and Tyrinical Three's

I don't know if I am going to make it. The attitude the talking back is only going to get worse. Sometimes I love the fiestiness and the exploratory nature but sometimes I really wish we could have five minutes of quiet, but I know that's never going to happen which is good. Took the kids to the zoo yesterday and it was fantastic the kids were actually interested in the animals and flowers. We went on the bus tour and they were very well behaved. We also took a trip on the skyfarri and when Auntie Kiki said it was high Lily said "Oh Shit" its so hard not to laugh because its so cute and funny but I know she shouldn't say that.

It was my first time alone with my sister in law and the kiddos it was really nice. Sometimes I feel really guilty that I can't have as good of a relationship with my sister. But there are a lot of other extenuating circumstances that complicate that relationship. Hopefully when she gets back from "vacation" (lol) things will be different and she will work on being a better person and daughter. And I will work on believing that she does want to make changes even though I find it hard to believe.

I went to temple/church with Beverly and her husband Vince, it was a lovely place very full of caring and openness. I did come to a realization while I was there is that I am not Jewish, I enjoyed the service though, I thought the Hebrew and the singing was beautiful and so much fun. In the end it doesn't matter what church you go to as long as it makes you feel good to go there.

So today Lily and Liam are trying to tell me we are leaving but I keep telling them tomorrow we are going out with Uncle Jim from Alaska but they don't care they want something right now! So we will spend all day telling them they don't need their shoes and them chasing us around with them. Next Tuesday I am taking the kids to their first gymnastic class ever I am so excited!! Chelsie is going to bring her daughter too its going to be so great!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Laundry day

So today I went over to the in laws house to let the kids reek (?) havoc in their backyard and get out some pent up energy and get some free laundry done. Every time I do this which is about once a month as to not inconvenience them I am so grateful fun for the kids time with the fam for me and clean clothes that don't cost me upwards of $40. I should invest in a Laundr-o-mat I could make bank be like 25 cents less than everyone else. While I was doing laundry I was turning all our clothes right side in (out) and realized why is it impossible for all 4 of us to remove our clothing with out turning it inside out? Is it in our genes did I genetically pass this annoying trait on to my kids? I mean when I am undressing I don't think about it but when I am loading the washer I am like jeez 2 seconds at the time I take it off would save me 20 minutes when I am washing. But I am sure tomorrow I will be back to my old ways and next week come laundry time I will be thinking the same thing.

Tomorrow or rather later today I am going to service/temple with my friend Beverly and her husband she speaks very highly of it and I am excited to go. Lately I have been feeling like there is something missing I am not sure what but I have been feeling an urge to go. Being as my only trip to church I remember turned out to be a cult that attempted to exercise some demon from me I am very nervous but Beverly has assured me this is not a cult. (I knew that already they don't seem like the Cyanide Kool-aid types ha ha.) I will report back with my feelings and observations later. From what I have put together this is a Jewish religion that believes that Jesus was here and died and was resurrected and all that but they follow all the Jewish beliefs otherwise. I find this very exciting even though personally I don't know what my views on Jesus are.

I should probably head to bed have an exciting day ahead.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today is thursday

**I had the sister in law over and it was fun we played the wii and the wii fit. That was a little depressing because her "mii" (character) was rail thin and cute and mine looks like a Roley poley. So any way we were playing wii fit and she was trying to use my profile but she didn't weigh enough so it wasn't registering her moves it was really depressing and all but just further motivates me to keep up my exercising and dieting. She was very sweet about the whole thing I was mortified.
**I had a great day with the kids and family I am so enjoying watching the little ones growing up and becoming their own beings and individuals.
*Liam is a little lover and compassionate but as a little fighting spirit very cool. He speaks very well and enjoys learning new words. He is very smart and funny and finds joy in everything.
*Lily is so fun and curious wants to do and experience everything. She is so smart and funny she does not have vocabulary Liam does but I am discovering its because she talks so fast her mouth can't keep up.
*They are both independent and want to do everything on their own but maintain conspiracy to try and get away with everything.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday's Findings

So I went to Walmart today and was standing in line when two women walked up and advised the store clerk that they found a purse outside. I along with 3 other women thanked her for this mystery purse leaver and the other women went on to tell them what great people they were and how awesome it is that they turned it in. I couldn't help wondering though why it is such a big shock that they turned it in. When did we become a society where the norm is to expect people to steal and be dishonest? Its so very sad. I hope to raise my kiddos in an environment where behaving well should be expected not suprising. I also have been doing some thinking thanks to Ms. Bev about who I am truly. Here's what I got so far:
**A mother who tries her hardest to be the best she can. Often looses site of who she is seperate from being a mom. Who may lose her patience a bit more than she likes but is also very affectionate and full of love.
**A wife who does not alway appreciate how much her husband does. Who takes care of everything and often gets very overwhelmed but has a hard time relinquishing any control to her husband. Not as passionate as she once was (hopefully not tmi but I dont plan on a whole lot of people reading this.
**A daughter who is torn in how to be a great daughter from 3000 miles away. I have always had a very close (maybe to close) relationship with my parents so now that times are tough for them it is very difficult to sit on the sidelines and being of no use.
**A daughter in law to a fantastic mother and step mother in law. I am so very lucky to get along with them and have a relationship of open honesty and friendship.
**A sister.... at that I am failing but I will keep trying.
**A friend who can be quick to judge but will be loyal through and through. I also tend to not believe anyone truly likes me which makes it very hard to maintain friendships because I take everything to mean the negative but through a great group of friends I have now I am getting better.
So thats it for now dinners ready ;)